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Accounting Software, Built for Small Businesses

About FreeAgent

FreeAgent is accounting software designed for small businesses, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. It offers a range of financial tools to simplify tasks such as invoicing, expense tracking, and tax management. With FreeAgent, users can easily create and send professional invoices, automatically import bank transactions, and monitor their financial health through customizable dashboards.

Get the Nimbus Intelligence Connector in Snowflake

You can install the Nimbus Intelligence FreeAgent Connector from the Snowflake Marketplace with only a few clicks!

Obtain Credentials and Create a Connection

This connector is based on OAuth 2.0 authentication. Follow the instructions to obtain your credentials and set up a Connection:

  1. Log into the FreeAgent Developer dashboard.

  2. Create a new app clicking on the Create a new app button.

  3. Fill in the Name and Description for your application. There is no necessity of filling in more fields.

  4. Click on Create App.

  5. Store safely the following credentials that you will see

    1. OAuth identifier -> This is the Client ID you will use in the Connector application

    2. Secret -> This is App Secret you will use in the Connector application

  6. Build the following URL with your own CLIENT_ID and paste it into a browser.<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>&response_type=code&redirect_uri=

  7. A page where you will have to login will appear. Once logged in, click on Approve App.

  8. A 404 Error page will appear. You will see a URL with this format<YOUR_CODE>&state=. Extract <YOUR CODE> from the URL and save it. This is an Authorization Code that will be exchanged for a Refresh token.

  9. Using an API query service (such as Postman) create a POST request to the URL with the following Parameters.

    Make sure int he Headers section the key-pair Content-Type: application/json is added as well.

  10. Once the request is sent, you will receive a JSON result like this

        "access_token": "1ABvEF1458n8*********T-nBds4Nj3DabZeP5Iu",
        "token_type": "bearer",
        "expires_in": 3600,
        "refresh_token": "1I6WFGmZwcBZs**********QJZtqqU8HlKq5FNl",
        "refresh_token_expires_in": 631139040
  11. Copy the refresh_token from the result. This is the Refresh Token you will use in the Connector application.

  12. In the Connector application, head to the Connections page and fill in the Add connection form with the connection name that you want to create and the credentials you obtained in steps 6.1, 6.2 and 11.

  13. Click on the Generate Ready-to-Run script and execute the provided pre-filled script in a new worksheet. This will generate a new connection for your FreeAgent Connector.

Available Endpoints

Check the full FreeAgent API documentation.

EndpointIncremental IngestionIncremental Fetching

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Not supported by FreeAgent

Not supported by FreeAgent

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Not supported by FreeAgent

Not supported by FreeAgent

Not supported by FreeAgent


Not supported by FreeAgent

Need Help?

Don't forget to check the#faqs section in the Getting Started page.

Did we forget to implement an endpoint that you would like or did you find a bug? If you didn't find your answer in the FAQs, let us know!

If you have an issue, check the #known-limitations-and-issues section to see if we are already working on it!

Check the rest of the Available Connectors

Available Connectors

Last updated