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Fatture in Cloud

Simple and comprehensive online invoicing software.

About Fatture in Cloud

Fatture in Cloud is the simple and comprehensive online invoicing software for managing every aspect of your business.

Simple and fast invoices of all kinds (electronic and otherwise). Many other functions: estimates, scheduling, first note, etc. Simple and secure payment and collection management.

Get the Nimbus Intelligence Connector in Snowflake

You can install the Nimbus Intelligence Fatture in Cloud Connector from the Snowflake Marketplace with only a few clicks!

Obtain Credentials and Create a Connection

This connector is based on API Key authentication. Follow the instructions in the Fatture in Cloud API Guidelines to obtain your credentials. In short:

  1. Log into the Fatture in Cloud website.

  2. Access Settings > Developer.

  3. Create a new application.

  4. Select Personal Token in the Authentication and access section.

  5. Copy the Client ID of the application.

  6. Access Settings > Connected Applications.

  7. Click on Connect a new application.

  8. Introduce the Client ID of the application you copied in step 5.

  9. Select the companies you want to provide access to.

  10. Provide the access permissions for the endpoints you want to fetch using the connector.

  11. Copy the credential you are shown on screen. This is the API Key that you will have to introduce in the connector when you create a new connection.

  12. In the Connector application, head to the Connections page and fill in the Add connection form with the connection name that you want to create and API Key field filled with the credential you obtained in step 11.

  13. Click on the Generate Ready-to-Run script and execute the provided pre-filled script in a new worksheet. This will generate a new connection for your Fatture in Cloud Connector.

Available Endpoints

Check the full Fatture in Cloud API documentation.

EndpointIncremental Ingestion

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud


Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud




Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Not supported by Fatture in Cloud

Need Help?

Don't forget to check the#faqs section in the Getting Started page.

Did we forget to implement an endpoint that you would like or did you find a bug? If you didn't find your answer in the FAQs, let us know!

If you have an issue, check the #known-limitations-and-issues section to see if we are already working on it!

Check the rest of the Available Connectors

Available Connectors

Last updated